Telenor Wholesale 15-05-2019![]() |
Netværksoperatøren Telenor vil fra d. 1. Januar 2020 påbegynde anvendelsen af E-GSM frekvenser på deres 2G netværk.
Dette kan medføre udfordringer for gamle enheder, som kun understøtter den nuværende P-GSM frekvenstype på 2G GSM 900 netværket.
With permission issued on 26 April 2019, the TT Network has been assigned 2 x 10 MHz in the lower 900 MHz frequency band (880-890 MHz and 925-935 MHz).
Historically, this frequency band is an extension of the original 900 MHz frequency band and as such assigned 20 years ago. This band is therefore also called the E-GSM frequencies – “E” for the extension. The TT Network has so far had access to another part of the 900 MHz frequency band (so-called P-GSM frequencies).
Telenor has determined, that a small number of 2G End-user terminals don’t support the E-GSM frequency band. Some terminals are so outdated, that they only support the P-GSM-part of 900 MHz Frequency band (R99-Standard) and not the subsequent extension.
The new frequency permissions will take effect 1. April 2020. On this date above 2G devices must be operational in the E-GSM frequency band. Telenor will commence the relocation to the E-GSM band on 1 January 2020 in order to be ready for the aforementioned effective date.
In this context, Telenor hereby encourage you to investigate, whether some of your End-users are using 2G equipment, which is not supported in the E-GSM frequency band, and accordingly may experience network access problems after 1 January 2020.
It is important for Telenor, that the above frequency band relocation does not cause unnecessary inconvenience to you or your End-users. Telenor is available, if you need further information.