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Mini Puck Combi antenne 4G / GPS Passiv – bolt montage

Mini Puck Combi antenne 4G / GPS Passiv – bolt montage

376 kr.

Telesat-3 50ø Combi
GPS Passiv (Gold) SMA(M) 1.0m RG174
+ GSM (Nickel) SMA(M) 1.0m RG174

Varenummer 38.01.05.PASSIV Kategorier , Mærker ,


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* Frequency: 1575.42MHz
* Polarization: RHCP (right hand circular polarization)
* Gain: 27dB typical
* Noise figure: 1.5 max.
* Attenuation: 20dB min. at F0 +/- 50MHz
* Bandwidth: 10MHz
* V.S.W.R: 2.0 max
* Impedance: 50 ohms
* Power consumption: 2.7 to 5.5VDC/28mA
* Cable and connector: 1.0m RG-174 with
SMA connector (Gold)
* Operating temperature: -35 to +85 degrees Celsius
Storage temperature: -40 to +95 degrees Celsius

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GSM  Description:

* Frequency: GSM 824-960/1710-1990/2170MHz
* Polarization: vertical
* Gain: 0dBi
* V.S.W.R: 2.0 max
* Impedance: 50 ohms
* Power handling capacity: 10W max
* Cable and connector: 1.0m RG-174 with FME connector
* Operating temperature: -35 to +85 degrees Celsius
Storage temperature: -40 to +95 degrees Celsius


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